Strong Business Relationships.

Lifetime Friendships.


2025 Year-to-Date Revenue Generated


2024 Year-to-Date Revenue Generated


2023 Year-to-Date Revenue Generated

The Columbia Executives and Owners Association (CEOA) is a group of professionals from a wide range of businesses that meet on a regular basis to promote and generate business for, through, and among the membership.

With weekly meetings; quarterly business socials; and a professionally run association, our members perfect their networking skills; generate direct referrals; and share business expertise that generates more than $30 million in retail sales or fees each year.

Membership is limited to 100 active participants with a waiting list for potential new members. While the majority of our members remain in the association between 5 to 20 years, we typically replace 4 to 6 annually due to transfers, promotions, retirements, etc. Our Board of Directors invites the best candidate from the waiting list to become an active member whenever a slot becomes available.